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Honey, honey

Since the construction of our new Bedford home Bedford home, Brewpoint, the field behind the brewery has sat empty. At first glance it was a rather uninspiring patch of land – a jungle of dock leaves sitting in the shadow of the nearby A6 bypass – but last summer, with our new Triple Bottom Line outlook in mind, we began to brainstorm ideas to create a point of interest in the space that would give local biodiversity a boost and highlight our sustainability ethos.

The result: Beepoint. Fast-forward nine months, and we’re now the proud owners of three new beehives, painted in Brewpoint colours by local artist Yaz Willmer, that have become a happy home to around 25,000 honey bees (they won’t sit still long enough for us to do an accurate head count).

The hives are protected from the worst of the elements by an attractive wooden enclave, and there are plenty of bee-friendly flowers and plants nearby to ensure our new honey producers don’t need to go far to find the raw materials they need.

We’ve had a fantastic team involved. We have an experienced local beekeeper, Jenny Higham, as our consultant, landscape gardeners In Trim have done a great job of prepping the field for the hives, and none other than Louise Wells – wife to our CEO, Peter - currently in training as Jenny’s apprentice and our in-house beekeeper of the future.

The bees have settled in well; so well, in fact, that our first ever batch of ‘Beepoint’ honey is now in jars and available to buy at the Brewpoint shop. We’re expecting this first batch to sell out quickly, but don’t worry if you miss out this time around - we’ve already extracted enough honey for our hives for a second batch, and the bees show no sign of slowing down any time soon.

We’re really excited to add artisanal, local Bedford honey to everything Brewpoint already has to offer, and the beer fans amongst you should also keep an eye out for a special honey-infused brew to appear on the bar later this summer…
Head on down to Brewpoint to get yours, or click here to buy online: https://www.brewpoint.co.uk/merch/brewpoint-honey